Tough-love solutions for poverty that Jeff Bezos likes

If you are a free-market guy, dim the lights before you get started

Ranju Mamachan
3 min readJan 5, 2023

1. Let rich people throw canned food at the homeless for a fee.

Call me Nazi all you want, consider the fact that this one solves the problem of world hunger and tax evasion at the same time.

Instead of staring at your screen the whole day like a loser, you could be throwing one of these at a homeless man and taking back your manhood.

2. Put the neighborhood on the blockchain.

A broke man in the real world is a broke man but on the blockchain he is a de-centralized store of inflation-resistant value, which, as everyone knows, is inherently superior.

3. Astronomical Economics

Currently a lot of mineral rich asteroids are buzzing past the earth, as our billionaires groan helplessly from their shanties. ISRO could use laser beams to deflect the trajectory of some of those asteroids, so they crash land in our slums. The Prime Minister could be flown in, made to stand next to the unceasing screams coming from the hellfire, given a towel, and told when to cry and talk about his mother as the journalists snapped photographs. This one would deepen India’s federal democratic structure as the Chief Minister would be guaranteed a cut from the mining of the asteroid. He could also be flown in to the location if he feels like crying and talking about his mother.

4. Give Andrew Tate an Institute already

Look, I agree, he might have human trafficked a little on the side and might be saying Matrix too many times for a man in his late thirties, but man, is he a looker.

What I don’t understand is why people join his scam of a course for a price of 6000 rupees a month, when you can look at his tits for free on Youtube?

If Andrew Tate were allowed to have his way, every poor man in the world would be running casinos in Romania, getting into street-fights with strangers, and talking about how many lizards were killed to make his shoes. That’s how you make real wealth. Something Karl Marx missed out while writing Das Kapital.

5. Tax the billionai — — — — — — -

About the author

Ranju Mamachan got his Masters in Thermal Science from the National Institute of Technology, Calicut, India. He is an Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Department of Manipal Institute of Technology. He sometimes resurrects dead writers in his class to the amusement of his students.



Ranju Mamachan

Where a billionaire burns bundles of dollar bills to keep himself warm.